Topping her vast professional training and involvement, her personal journey of Life experiences and her constant seeking, Rie arrived at her great passion for Energy Essentials research and development of Core Health and DTQ (Deeply Thoroughly Quickly) founded by Dr. Ed Carlson as based on his research and understandings of Kinesiology, Psychology, and Spirituality. With DTQ she sees an emerging process that is proving to be the bridge between the paradigms of physiology, psychology, and spirituality — bringing a unification and balance long sought by pioneers in many professional fields. Rie heads the Department of Energy Psychology Research for Energy Essentials. She holds a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and is licensed as a Mental Health Counselor. She has a private practice covering individual, group, marriage, and family therapy spanning more than 25 years. For over 30 years she has been an avid student, teacher, and researcher in the field of Human Behavioral Science and Psychology. Over the years, Rie's keen interest focused on the phenomenon of; thinking disorders often presented in schizophrenia (T.A./Schiff), as well as the errors in thinking of the criminal mind as researched by Dr. Stanton Samenow. Rie led continuing education courses on the findings of Dr. Samenow, who has 30 years studying the minds of criminals. She provided third-party evaluation of the Core Health research with 28 Incarcerated Criminal Drug Addicts. Rie's expertise and training covers the disciplines of advanced Transactional Analysis1, Family Systems2, Stages of Childhood Development3, Gestalt Therapy4, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Meta-NLP and Neuro-Semantics, Ericksonian Hypnosis, The Other-than-Conscience Mind5, and Life Transitions - Death & Dying6. She received her Practitioner and Master Practitioner Certification in NLP from the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming headed by Drs. Richard Bandler and John Grinder during the time when Leslie Cameron Bandler, David Gordon, Robert Dilts, Todd Epstein, et als, were an integral part of their teaching staff. She received her Trainer's Training and Accelerated Master Practitioner Modeler Certification from Dr. Bandler. She joined forces with Dr. L. Michael Hall in 1997 to study his breakthrough research on Meta-States, the third domain of NLP, as he, along with Bob Bodenhamer, M.Div., established this expansion in the field of Cognitive Science and secured it within the new field of Neuro-Semantics. In this capacity she sponsored Dr. Hall in Washington, D.C. and in Texas while supporting his ground breaking work already started in Florida. In 1975 she and Dr. Dorothea Hover established and opened the Bay Area Counseling Center in Tampa, Florida. By 1977 they joined with Dr. Roy Person at Discovery, The Gestalt and Humanistic Institute of Tampa Bay. Rie was a member of Discovery's Staff and served on the Board of Directors for over a decade; co-owner for the later five years. Selling her interest in this Institute she founded Aim for Excellence, Inc., serving as its President since 1985, and continues in the fields of Energy Psychology and with researching, teaching, leading workshops, and Certification Trainings. As Hospice took root across the country, Rie served on a panel of 12 Professionals who pioneered, planned, and facilitated the training of the first 25 Hospice Volunteers in the State of Florida. Her private practice included the counseling of the terminally ill patient and their families. For 3 years, Rie was primary hospital caretaker for her youngest daughter's treatment for CML, including bone marrow transplant at the Medical College of Virginia. When treatment began to lose its positive effects she was support and witness to her daughter's transition through the final stages of separation and goodbye. In the last hours the Head Physician of the Bone Marrow Transplant Team and his Lead Nurse joined her in a team effort to assist each other and family members through the removal of life support systems. Completing three "Firewalks" with Tony Robbins in 1985 her curiosity was directed toward what happens with the release of "bound somatised energy." More recently, with the advent of Energy Psychology, she has included trainings in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)7, Quantum Touch8, Quantum Techniques9. Rie's current passion is Energy Essentials research, the development of Core Health and DTQ (Deeply, Thoroughly, Quickly) and the wide variety of practical applications. Contact: rie@tampabay.rr.com 1. T.A. Hedges Capers, Ph.D., Sol Samuel, M.D., Jacqui Lee Schiff, M.S.S.W 2. Virginia Satair 3. Bowen; Piaget; Schiff, Vi Brody, Ph.D., John K. Burton, Ed.D 4. Vincent O'Connell, Ph.D., Roy Persons, Ph.D., Robert
Goulding, Ph.D., 5. David Dobson, Ph.D. 6. Mentored by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, M.D. 7. Gary Craig 8. Richard Gordon 9. Dr. Stephen Daniel |
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